Justin Giles
Justin Giles
Justin Giles
Justin Giles
Justin Giles is a choreographer and educator based in Dallas, TX. Growing up in Irmo, SC, Giles has been immersed in dance his entire life. After touring the world for years as a performer and instructor, Justin shifted his focus to developing a community of like minded artists. In 2004 Giles founded SoulEscape, a nationally recognized professional dance company whose core values are based in community, education, and human connection. Giles' works have been described as "inventive", "raw", and "naturally beautiful". His approach to storytelling creates space for earnest and thoughtful displays of personal and shared experiences. Giles continues to work with dancers from all over the world, and maintains that his true calling is connecting with and inspiring the next generations of young artists. "Be patient. Stay True. Finish Strong."
“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose”

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