
Nationals 2024-25

Adjudication Awards

All routines will be adjudicated by three of the DanceMakers judges.
Solo routines will receive an adjudication score in your registration portal, but will not be announced for an adjudication award. All soloist will receive a participation award.
Duo/Trio and Group routines will receive an adjudication score in your registration portal and will be announced for an adjudication during competition award ceremony.
If a routine performing was choreographed by one of the judges, that judges score will be an average of the other two judges.
High 1st Place96-100
1st Place90-95
High 2nd Place85-89
2nd Place80-84
3rd Place70-79

Solo Overall Awards

High ScoreTrophy / Scholarship to the 2025-26 Tour / Starmaker Performance
1st Runner UpTrophy / Two city Regional Scholarship to the 2025-26 Tour
2nd Runner UpTrophy / Two city Regional Scholarship to the 2025-26 Tour
3rd Runner UpTrophy / Two city Regional Scholarship to the 2025-26 Tour
4th Runner UpTrophy / Two city Regional Scholarship to the 2025-26 Tour
5th-19th Runner UpsTrophy
20th-29th Runner UpsAnnounced at Solo Awards Ceremony
Select Solo Winners must be available to perform in the Wrap It Ceremony and all daily rehearsals. The performance will include Camp Dance High Score, Junior High Score through 4th Runner Up, Pre-Teen High Score through 4th Runner Up, Teen High Score through 19th Runner Up, and Senior High Score through 19th Runner Up.
Soloists cannot win consecutive titles in the same age division.
Soloists that perform multiple routines are only eligible to win one placement in the Overall Awards.

Duo/Trio Overall Awards

Style Runner UpPlaqueDuo/Trio Runner up in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) and style (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop or Open). Example: “Junior Tap Duo/Trio Runner Up”. Announced on our website later in the week.
Style High ScorePlaqueDuo/Trio High Score in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) and style (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop or Open). Example: “Junior Tap Duo/Trio High Score”. Announced on our website later in the week.
Judges’ PickTrophyRoutines the judges pick for special recognition in each age division nondependent on scores. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
Directors’ PickTrophyRoutines that the directors pick for special recognition in each age division nondependent on scores. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
2nd – 5th Place *Trophy2nd – 5th in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior). Example: “Junior Duo/Trio 2nd”. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
Age Division High ScoreTrophy/$500High Score in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) excluding Category High Scores. Example: “Junior Duo/Trio High Score”. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
DanceAgainPerforms at DanceAgain ShowcaseThe National DanceAgain Showcase will feature the TOP scoring performances from our Nationals Competition. These routines have been hand chosen by our judges based off scores from both showrooms to DanceAgain! From this showcase, all judges from the week will view the routines and choose the Duo/Trio Performance of the Year that wins not only the title, but $1,000 in CASH prize
Duo/Trio Performance of the YearTrophy/$1,000This award is chosen by our judging panel from the DanceAgain Showcase which consists of the TOP scoring performances from our Nationals Competition. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
* DanceMakers reserves the rights to extend placement awards depending on the number of registered routines.

Group Overall Awards

Style Runner UpPlaqueRunner Up in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior), category (Group, Line, Extended LIne or Production) and style (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop or Open). Example: “Junior Tap Group Runner Up”. Announced on our website later in the week.
Style High ScorePlaqueHigh Score in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior), category (Group, Line, Extended Line or Production) and style (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop or Open). Example: “Junior Tap Group High Score”. Announced on our website later in the week.
Judges’ PickTrophyRoutines the judges pick for special recognition in each age division and category nondependent on scores. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
Directors’ PickTrophyRoutines that the directors pick for special recognition in each age division and category nondependent on scores. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
2nd – 5th Place in Category *Trophy2nd – 5th in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) and category (Group, Line, Extended Line or Production). Example: “Junior Group 2nd Place”. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
Category High ScoreTrophy/$500High Score in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) and category (Group, Line, Extended Line or Production). Example: “Junior Group High Score”. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
Age Division High ScoreTrophy/$1,000High Score in each age division (Camp Dance, Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen or Senior) excluding Category High Scores. Example: “Junior High Score”. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
DanceAgainPerforms at DanceAgain ShowcaseThe National DanceAgain Showcase will feature the TOP scoring performance from our Nationals Competition. These routines have been hand chosen by our judges based off scores from both showrooms to DanceAgain! From this showcase, all judges from the week will view the routines and chose the Performance of the Year that wins not only the title, but $2,000 in CASH prize!
Performance of the YearTrophy/$2,000This award is chosen by our judging panel from the DanceAgain Showcase which consists of the TOP scoring performances from our Nationals Competition. Announced at the Wrap It Ceremony.
* DanceMakers reserves the rights to extend placement awards depending on the number of registered routines.

Studio Awards

The Shaffer StudioTrophy/$500This will be awarded to the studio that shows support, encouragement, professionalism and shares their love for dance with others throughout the event. This award is in honor of Mr. Doug Shaffer who has shared his love of dance with others for many years.
The Best Studio ChoreographyTrophy/$500This will be awarded to the studio that has the best overall choreography throughout competition.
The Most Technical StudioTrophy/$500This will be awarded to the studio that has the best overall technique throughout convention and competition.
The Standout StudioTrophy/$500This will be awarded to the studio that stands out in convention work and competition performance.
The Breakthrough StudioTrophy/$500This will be awarded to the studio that has the most overall improvement from Regionals to Nationals.
The Studio of the YearTrophy/$1,000Studio of the Year is awarded to the studio who embodies greatness in all aspects at Nationals. This includes, but is not limited to, competition, convention and the in-between moments throughout the event. This studio is to represent the highest caliber in dance, along with being supportive and encouraging to other dancers. The Studio of the Year is to represent DanceMakers values and mission and is meant to inspire other studios throughout the country.

© 2025 DanceMakers Inc. All rights reserved.